Later in the night we went to a party that was organized for our program. It was on the top story of a hotel right across the street from la Giralda, so we had an amazing view of the cathedral (I got a lot of good pictures). Afterwards we went to a bar called “Long Island” that had shots for every state in the US… naturally, I had to take a Wisconsin shot. As much as I like going out with our group and meeting new people from the program, I think in the future I’m going to try to hang out with smaller groups so I can speak Spanish with more locals instead of being stuck in a crowd of students from the US. We got home at around 3:30 and slept today until 12:30! We ate lunch again with Pepi and headed off to the CIEE study center to sign up for classes. It was pouring rain outside, so all day my shoes have been soaking wet. I need a hot shower… however, in Spain they are very conservative and take showers less than 7 minutes. I have to turn off the water when I’m washing my hair. Anyway… class scheduling. We received the results from our 3-hour online placement test and our oral interview, and I got placed in the most advanced class… this means that instead of taking the intensive advanced grammar class I originally signed up for, I am now enrolled in a class called “Cultural History of Spain.” We have this class until Feb. 6th, and after it’s done our other classes start. I’m kind of happy I tested into it because instead of 3 hours in the classroom everyday, we have an hour and a half in the classroom and an hour an a half en la calle (in the city) each day. I’m not exactly sure what we’ll be doing yet… That class begins Monday, and we have a free day tomorrow. I have to figure out which other 4 classes I am taking still.
We were assigned intercambios (Spanish students that want to become better at English, and that will help you with your Spanish). Mine’s name is Jesus. I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but I think he may be my new Spanish boyfriend (haha, just kidding). We exchanged numbers and are planning on meeting tomorrow.
On a more close-to-home note, I’m missing everyone from the US very much! A little while ago, when I was waiting in line at starbucks to get my café con leche (so I could use wifi!), the song “I’ll be seeing you” came on and it made me think of Anni and all the choir girls. I saw the street “Arenal” the other day and it made me think of my family, because that is the location of an apartment they were looking at renting when they come to visit. A lot of things remind me of someone from home that I miss! I am having the time of my life here though and it’s only going to get better! Oh, and for all you Spanish-speakers out there… I’m already developing an Andalusian accent! My “s’s” are turing into “th’s” and I’m starting to drop the “s’s” off the ends of my words... pretty dang exciting.
It’s 8:30pm… time for me to get home to my Spanish mama for some supper. Hope all is well back home!

Picture #1: At the hotel party, with the Giralda in the background
Picture #2: The amphitheater at Italica where the gladiators would fight!
Picture #3: Where they kept the animals that the gladiators would fight
Picture #4: A walkway in the amphitheater at Italica
Picture #5: Melissa and I standing by the Roman ruins
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